If you haven't noticed, I've redone this website recently. This is my last summer before graduation so I figured it was a good time to switch things for a more professional vibe. Going from that, I still wanted to keep this website personal, so after much internal debate I'm going to continue with the blog and vegan portions of violetaubrey (now renamed aubreyvioleta). If you're curious and want to stay updated with what's going on in my life, follow my internal monologs and check out photography, then look no further! This part of the website will remain fully functional and up for you! And if you're looking for an immediate update, well then keep reading. I have some things going on. What I've been up toThe semester just wrapped up at AU, and I've been back in Seattle for exactly week now. At the beginning of May, I put together a few different pieces about music that are available to view on this website (check out Radio and Print). There's also a variety of some of my favorite projects that I worked on throughout the semester on those pages, so be sure to give them a listen or read! I've recently been getting back into photography and have a few projects in the works so I'll be sure to keep you guys all updated on those! I'm hoping to do a sort-of "week in pictures" series on this page to showcase the different things I experience and see this summer. If you want to see my more narcissistic side, make sure you're following my Instagram, where I post pictures of myself a little too frequently. I ended by semester with some super cool experiences that included touring NPR headquarters, wrapping up my time as an editorial intern at Memunatu Magazine and putting together my first resume reel! Coming up this summerAs previously mentioned, I have a few different photo projects I plan to work on (don't worry they'll all be shared on here), but beyond that I plan to spend this summer preparing for post-graduation and hunting for jobs. I'm still figuring out if I feel more inclined towards radio or TV broadcast, so hopefully I'll figure it out by the end of the summer. Most of what I plan to do is looking across different stations and networks and preparing cover letters to send out to them in the spring. Yesterday, I stopped by KUOW's RadioActive, which is the program I participated in my senior year of high school and that I credit with developing my passion for journalism. It's really an incredible program and network of youths who are passionate about sharing stories. One thing I've realized this year is that I can go out on my own and cover stories without having the immediate backing of a station or school. In my free time this summer, I hope to cover some stories and topics that I'm passionate about, which I'll share on this site and on my Facebook page. Covering music-related topics at the end of this year was really eye-opening for me and I realized that covering a topic I'm interested in helps make the whole journalistic process seem a lot more fun and exciting. I loved getting to talk to different venue owners, musicians and music critics about what they thought about the D.C. music scene and how they've seen it change for my longform radio piece, and it was really interesting to talk to different students and record collectors about how they viewed the resurgence that the music industry is seeing in vinyl for my enterprise story. This summer, I'll be staying busy by working full-time out of Nordstrom's corporate HQ in Seattle, DJ-assiting at KEXP 90.3 FM and volunteering at KING 98.1 FM. A list of projects I've been involved with this semesterJust to make it easier, here's an overview of the highlights:
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